RetireMethod is EXACTLY for someone is looking for money management strategies in order NOT to outlive their retirement funds.
In other words, so that you do not run out money before running out of life.
Disclaimer: If you are just like 20 or 30 years old, then this might not be for you.
You might say – “I am a CFP/banker/fund manager – I know all these stuff about retirement planning”
Well, I have gone through CFP Module 5: Retirement and Estate Planning topic itself, but the stuff we talk about in Retire Method are advanced topics that are not even demonstrated properly in the CFP program.
Still not convinced? After all, who am I to be telling you all this, right? –
“You probably eat salt more than I eat rice” – Chinese saying.
Ok, ok – Let the content preview below do the talking.
Here are the first three retirement awareness videos for a start, when I first crafted this program back in 2013.
Leaving a Legacy for the next Generation
This section shows you how to dynamically manage your retirement fund by adjusting to life events post retirement.
And still leave a desired amount of legacy to the next generation while you are at it.
Without having one million of retirement nest egg.
Don’t believe me? Then you have to watch this.
I call it the Scenario Analysis Modelling system
How Losing Money affect your entire Retirement Landscape
We WILL definitely lose money, big or small (hopefully not too BIG) in our post retirement investment. It’s just a matter of when, not “what-if”.
I always think of the worst-case scenario.
If monetary losses happen, we will need to make adjustment in our lifestyle so that we still have money to last throughout the remaining years.
Therefore, we need to be flexible. Cut back expenses for a few years. Forego that vacation.
Sacrifice a bit on our lifestyle, maybe for a couple of years.
But how much to cut back? How much is enough?
Financial plan usually don’t take this into account because it is difficult to model or forecast.
That means no single financial plan for retirement is 100% accurate.
Without periodic review, that is.
By knowing the “system”, you could see for yourself how this impact your entire retirement landscape objectively.
Here’s the tutorial lesson to SHOW you to prove my point. Today.
p/s – Losing money in the early years of retirement brings more impact than losing the same amount later in your retirement, assuming everything being the same.
This would be the most important take-away thus far.
I bet your unit trust agent or insurance agent never ever told you this level of detail.
Getting Consistent Passive Income Post Retirement
After going through the previous 2 videos, you may ask –
“Why only aim for 6 percent annual return post retirement?”
“And how?”
Like I said, I am not talking about bond funds. That’s just so “textbook” as what is advocated in conventional retirement planning/management.
The thing I want to talk about is REIT
This could potentially be better than bond funds.
Ok, talk is cheap, let’s listen to this:
Planning for Medical Expenses Post Retirement
If you think 3 percent annual inflation is a painful reality, wait till medical inflation hits us.
It’s very real, and it’s NO laughing matter.
When I started to create Retire Method, I asked my readers how much it costs them undergoing certain medical procedures.
They gladly replied.
In fact, I got A LOT of replies.
These are current real figures told to me, and I want to share with you in this section.
Prepare for Truckload of Bullsh*t You Heard Before
In case the profanity in the title offends you, I apologize.
I am just trying to make my point clear and emphasize some of the few major myths you have heard before.
Here goes some important take-aways from the video below.
Live recording of training for CPA Australia
…when I shared with my audience – about a feedback I got that “RetireMethod is like Viagra to my retirement”
I am NOT kidding…
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Your situation may be unique, so I don’t pretend to be a know-it-all person.
But if you ask me, does the methodology we have learnt so far make sense?
I think it does.
Retire Method don’t promise you instant wealth or guaranteed return – nowadays, too many products or people over promise but under deliver.
Here’s what Retire Method is about:
It is about a framework, a plan and a system that increase the odds of success in achieving post retirement financial goals.
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