Achieve a Self-Sufficient Retirement, or Better!

  • Even if you don't have any idea how
  • Even if you don't have 1 million nest egg
  • Even if you think you don't have much net worth
  • And even if you think you already know everything there is to know about retirement
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Likely Outcome* of your Retirement Nest Egg Before & After RetireMethod Program

(Using RetireMethod  Scenario Modelling & Visualization Tool)

*Case study simulation. Your result may vary



  • Solid Actionable Steps

    Strategies & blueprints you can use today, next year, 5 years or 10 years down the road

  • Concise and Precise

    No fluff or filler content.  Build up the foundation stuff you need to know to implement advanced strategies right away

  • Self Paced Learning

    On-line tutorial videos accessible any time, anywhere with Internet connection

  • Privacy and Confidentiality

    Plan & manage your own retirement finances without revealing sensitive information to anyone

Choong Yong Khean, 54 (Bukit Mertajam) RetireMethod was helpful in the sense that it validates my own calculations. It is good to know that I now have a second opinion that confirms my own calculations. I am now more confident that my money will last if I manage it according to plan. I also know now how to adjust to external conditions beyond my control.  It also helps to know additional information on how to react in case of a bad year of investment returns, how to adjust for inflation as shown in the course. Choong Yong Khean, 54 (Bukit Mertajam), Retired, Ex-Sales Manager

With RetireMethod Scenario Modelling © you will be able to...

  • Revise your Assumptions and Reconstruct your Retirement Roadmap on the fly
  • Resolve the Inevitable Changes that occur over time by adjusting your plan
  • Build Confidence by varying the inputs and see how it affects overall roadmap
  • Know with High Certainty the Cause & Effect of every financial decision you make
  • Become Better Informed and Educated from being sold products you don't need
  • Get Second Opinion on how to better manage retirement nest egg
KS Lim, 56 (Petaling Jaya)

RetireMethod gave me the reassurance that what I have done and am doing so far is on track; and as lifetime member, I can come back to the program 1,5 or 10 years down the road to check if I am still on track.

Also, the delivery method of the program is more effective than if I were to engage you for say, 5 days – where I could not engage the content creator again after 5 days or ask questions or even feeling pressured to absorb everything within a limited duration

KS Lim, 56 (Petaling Jaya) On permanent sabbatical aka Retired, Ex Banker & Banking Software Consultant



a. Apply the concept of Time Value of Money to Know Exactly How Long Your Retirement Fund Will Last, Without any Post Retirement Income

b. How To Know for sure the Nominal Inflation Rate every year without reading the news

c. Where to Use a Life Expectancy Figure for Retirement Years Assumption Calculation

d. How to Know Exactly How Much You Should Withdraw every month in order not to finish up your retirement money before the assumed life expectancy figure

e. How To Track your Balance Retirement Fund every year How to Adjust this monthly expenses to retain your retirement lifestyle so that it can last you till you die

f. How to Plan for Your Spouse who survives you so she can still have money to spend and retain her Retirement Lifestyle long after you are gone

g. How to Adjust for Inflation Rate that Changes every year in your Retirement Management

h. How to Make Use of the Resource you have, no matter the amount to eliminate uncertainty

i. How to Get Zero Cost Insurance Coverage for your House Loan which is 100 times better than Bank’s MRTA or MLTA


a. A case study on why you are Dead Wrong if you assumed putting RM 3 million into FD and living off the the 3 percent interest generated from it is sufficient to retain your retirement lifestyle for 30 years

b. Why Your Post Retirement Investment Return Rate is more as important as your Pre Retirement Investment Rate, if not more important

c. How to Draw A Retirement Timeline for you and your Spouse

d. The Fundamental Flaw in the Assumption of Post Retirement Money Management

e. Why You Don’t need RM 1 million Retirement Fund at the Onset of Retirement

f. Why your Choice of Retirement Lifestyle (And Ultimately your Expenses) is More Important that How much you have in your Retirement Fund

g. Why Prudent Retirement Planning & Management is Not Selfish as It takes care of our Children and Grandchildren

h. How to Work Backwards on the Amount You Should Have At the Onset of Retirement only After you have determined the Legacy You want to Leave to Your Children

i. Why Inflation Adjusted Rate or Real Rate is the Gold in order to successfully Preserve Your Retirement Capital after you are long gone

j. How A Continuous Investment Return of just 6 percent annually Will Grow Your Retirement Fund Year after Year even without any additional capital into your retirement fund. And you still get to Retain your Retirement Lifestyle. Sounds too good to be true? It is, and it’s not for the skeptical. The figures and computations shows it

k. How to Know the Exact Financial Impact to your Retirement Fund if you need to fund your children tertiary education after your retirement age. And How to adjust this accordingly in order not to exhaust your retirement fund before you pass away,and still manage to leave a substantial legacy for your children

l. How to Assess the Consequence of Funding your Children’s Car Down Payment or Home Down Payment without jeopardizing your retirement fund

m. How a 1 plus percent annual return over a period of 20+ years spells difference between leaving Half a Million or One Million to your children

n. How by Having an Just Extra RM 800 a month added and reinvested annually into your retirement fund makes a whole lot difference to accomplishing your goal of leaving desired legacy to your children


a. A layman explanation of what is purchasing power and why it is the utmost enemy eroding the quality of your retirement lifestyle

b. An even advanced but worthwhile method to pass the purchasing power to your children WITHOUT liquidating your assets, long after you are gone

c. How to tweak this method to leave a specific amount of legacy for next generation after immunizing your self retirement fund against purchasing power risk

d. Why inflation rate seems trivial when compared to the #1 enemy during retirement – medical cost

e. A breakdown of How much common medical procedures costs today

f. How do prevent forking out your own money for post-retirement major medical expenses

g. Estimating the ever-rising medical inflation, and how this going to impact your retirement nest egg, on top of children education cost, children car or house buying.

h. See how much you can spend for yearly vacation guilt-free

i. How to factor in variables from Week 2 into our computation thus far, and achieve multiple post retirement goals

j. See for yourself the impact of losing money in high risk, high return investment during retirement years

k. How a Different Sequence of Recession or Economic Boom after your Retirement Makes Traditional Retirement Plan Useless

l. Why You Should NOT Underestimate your Longevity, else you are left WITH MORE LIFE THAN MONEY


a. The Composite Retirement Model combined from Week 1 to Week 3 to Achieve Capital Preservation & Growth and Income during Retirement.

b. Debunk the some of the Most Common Myths in Traditional Retirement Planning and Why It Is Flawed

c. How to Build A Confidence Interval to Manage the Risk of Living Longer than Expected

d. Sustainable spending & creative life planning – annual withdrawal according to (3-4-5)% Golden Rule

e. Why you Cannot Just Pluck a Historical Average Investment Return of the Market or Funds to do Projection, and how to Resolve this

f. How to Get Compounding Interest on Income Generating Asset which beats inflation rate conservatively by Twice, on top of the Capital Appreciation which naturally hedge itself against Inflation

g. How to Get this with High Certainty even During Recession How to Invest in Property after Retirement without taking actually taking a mortgage

h. How to Visually Represent Everything in a TimeLine Graph The one more thing that is certain in post retirement life, besides death and taxes – and how it will erode your return



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      30 Days No Questions Asked Money-Back Guarantee

      We’re so absolutely sure that RetireMethod will inject much clarity into your retirement planning & money management that we’re offering an unconditional, NO-question-asked 30-day money back guarantee.

      If for whatever reason RetireMethod does not help you in any way, simply send us an email within 30 days from your purchase and we’ll refund you right away!

      You have nothing to lose!

      Choo Heng Hee (Damansara) I wasn't expecting to learn much, after all I was sceptical what you had to show/tell someone with many years of accounting background like myself.

      But after finishing the whole course, especially Module 4, I can honestly tell you it is Very Insightful. I thought I know all the concepts of retirement planning but you laid things out in a very different perspective - often making me think twice about what I thought I knew. Choo Heng Hee (Damansara), Finance Manager, Commercial Accounting
      Mr Phua (name changed to protect identity), Petaling Jaya Mr Phua (name changed to protect identity), Petaling Jaya, Investment Division Director (CLICK HERE to view actual email feedback)
      I'm an accountant and spent many years working in most areas of accounting and finance. I have my own retirement plan and worksheet, which is not as comprehensive as yours. I took your course to see whether I missed out any key considerations.

      Honestly for me, I did learn a few things but overall I did not learn much more than what I already knew. However, I take this as confirmation that I have a fairly robust plan with many factors taken into consideration.

      Your course will benefit those who don't have any plan or have little idea of how to go about planning for their retirement the most.
      Cheong Sheong Ngai, KL Cheong Sheong Ngai, KL, 56 Retired (CLICK HERE to view actual email feedback)
      Personally,the most helpful thing is that at least now I know whether my retirement fund is able to last until I kick the bucket.I can now manage the fund more effectively  along the way with the help of your Excel worksheet as a guide.

      The founder of RetireMethod program has been featured in the following media channels & organizations

      Still having Questions? We would love to answer them. CLICK HERE to Show FAQs or email us at! +

      Q: Who are you?
      A: I am the founder of, one of the best financial resources/blog/site for Malaysians. I also co-founded, the first online REIT Investment course for Malaysians with KC Lau, who is also the founder of the top personal finance blog in Malaysia.

      Q: What credibility do you have?
      A: I am an Associate member of Financial Planning Association of Malaysia (FPAM), you can check my members directory listing at, under “Display Members by Type: Associate: Penang “. My professional background, however, is engineering. I graduated with a First Class Honors degree in Electronics Engineering in 2005 from Multimedia University.

      Q: How do we proceed from here?
      A: After you click ENROL NOW button above, you will be taken to Paypal payment site where you will be billed RM 178 for the first week, then subsequent RM 178 a week for another 6 weeks. This only applicable if you pay using your Paypal account.

      Else, you need to register a Paypal account using your credit card. After that you will be taken back to the site to register your username and password.

      Click here for Instructions on Registration

      Q: Is this a hands-off program?
      A: While video are recorded, I want to ensure members get the best out it. I want to ensure…so you can call me within reason, you have my number or schedule a Skype call.

      Q: What if I encounter special circumstances or events which are not illustrated in any of the learning modules?
      A: While I covered most common scenarios that matter to most people in retirement – like vacation, medical costs and perhaps even children education, of course I am happy to work together with you to look into it on how the special event would impact your retirement plan.

      Q: Does this Guarantee I make Money from any investment?
      A: No. Anyone who guarantee you make money on your investment other than putting into fixed deposit – you should run away from him like a plague.

      Q: I don’t have time to attend – is this conducted live?
      A: No worries, all learning modules are pre-recorded so you can take them at your own pace.

      Q: How are the contents structured or content format?
      A: The contents are structured to walk you through the very basics of financial concepts pertinent to retirement management, and it goes more advanced as the week goes by. Content are primarily in HD videos, which you could stream from the site or download it to your PC/iPad to watch.

      Q: Is the excel worksheet attached in the learning modules?
      A: Yes

      Q: How about learning modules to plan and save for my impending retirement?
      A: I designed the course to address the pressing needs of retired or near-retired individuals for knowledge on how to manage their retirement. In subsequent launch, I would add training videos on the proper methodology to manage your pre-retirement savings/investment to achieve your retirement goals.

      Q: I dig what you are selling, but I’m  still cautious. Is there any sort of guarantee?
      Yeah man, I offer 100% guarantee. If you don’t like week 1 module then email me, cancel your recurring payment and I return your most recent weekly payment.

      Generally, there is 30 days money guarantee.

      By the way, I run REIT Method and I have 99% No-Refunds every launch. That is in spite of the fact  I give the world’s fairest money back guarantee for REIT Method- 30 days refunds for a 2 weeks course. I hope that gives you some perspective.

      © RetireMethod 2013 – The First Post Retirement Money Management Course