Module 3F: The Deductible Medical Card

Many private sector employee did not buy their own medical insurance aka medical card when they are under employment. What for right? It is redundant – yes? But who is going to cover your medical expenses after the mandatory retirement age? It would end up that you would need to fork out money after retirement…

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Module 3B: Passing the Purchasing Power

Now that we have grasped the concept of dwindling purchasing power as years go by, we should realized a one million legacy to the next generation is not the same as us having one million now. So now, you don’t only want to pass a legacy, you want to pass on a legacy with its…

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Module 3A: Perspective on Purchasing Power

The term “inflation” has been over-used by now.  Sometimes, it’s hard to explain this to people; so here, I found a better way to explain it – by the analogy of purchasing power. Even if you know what this is about already, don’t skip this because at the end of the video, we come to…

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